How to Kill ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and Take Names

For many years I worked as a cooking instructor for an offbeat little company called Hipcooks. Each night I would guide 14 students through the steps of a three-course meal, tapas or appetizer menu and finish with a dinner party and cocktails.

Manifesting 101: Three Exercises You Can Try Today

I heard a quote the other day that stopped me in my tracks: “Expect today to be a $50,000 day and then show up as that person.” And I immediately thought, I really should change out of these week-old pajamas.

The World According to YOU

At Christmas time, my mom took a trip that had been postponed for a year due to COVID. She was full of concerns. What if she got COVID while traveling, had to quarantine and didn’t have enough medication? What if the streets were slippery? Should she pack her winter coat or carry it on?