Welcome to the blog for mindset hacks, productivity tips and action plans for multipotentialites who don't do life like anybody else.
Check out these easy and affordable alternatives to traditional personal branding photography.
Things Mom never told you - and should have.
(I'm definitely going on a list for #10).
Break up with social media’s with an exit strategy that redirects your audience and restores your sanity.
Learn how this simple inquiry can dismantle self-doubt and empower lasting confidence.
Check out these easy and affordable alternatives to traditional personal branding photography.
Fear of failure keeps us frozen in place. But there’s a hidden benefit to failing you don’t know about.
Some things are more important than looking professional. Beethoven is proof.
When it comes to business, breaking the rules might be better than doing what you’re told.
You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Learn how an annual review can help you level up in the new year.
Wanna be cool as a cucumber, focused as a monk and decisive as a general? You’re in the right place.
If you’ve ever felt shame about leaving something behind to start something new, read this.
It turns out boredom is not only good, it’s the psychological equivalent of letting your fields lie fallow.
In the right mental landscape for dream achievement, there’s not a complaint to be seen for miles.
Grant yourself these kinds of permission and gain personal freedom and a fulfilling life.
Are you struggling to function as an empath or HSP? This guide will help you protect your energy and stay informed.
First, you must have delusions of grandeur. Then, the grandeur shows up.
Meditating is hard. This is the how-to you need to do it right.
When your brain is melting due to overwhelm, turn your back on all of it for a day. Or five.
Dopamine is essential to develop motivation and establish good habits. Here’s how to get more of it.
Automatic negative thoughts are limiting beliefs that stand in the way of getting everything you want in life.
If you’re doing any of these things, kiss your dreams goodbye.
If you love learning almost to the point of obsession, you might be a polymath.
Do this the next time the urge to crawl back into bed is overwhelming.
Rebranding isn’t shameful, even if you’re multipassionate and happen to do it a lot.
My friend is a Holocaust survivor and fascinatingly immune to imposter syndrome. This is her story.
Fear of failure keeps us frozen in place. But there’s a hidden benefit to failing you don’t know about.
How do you silence your inner critic? You keep showing up until your persistence beats her into submission.
That’s an actual text I received from my mother during the pandemic days.
I’m obsessed with “flow,” but seem committed to staying too busy to have time for it.
In a strife-filled world, it’s easy to feel like making art is frivolous. Inflation is at an all-time high, people everywhere are dying of cancer and Trump still hasn’t been disqualified from running for President. Faced with hard knocks such as these, you might succumb to the notion that creativity is, at best, a luxury and, at worst, a gross misuse of time.
I increased my income 400% with five abundance practices that will have you believing in magick in no time.